Saturday, February 29, 2020

ANMC Code of Ethics in Australia Case Study

ANMC Code of Ethics in Australia Case Study Nursing is a noble profession which requires its members to uphold the highest moral and ethical standards. In Australia nurse’s practice is guided by the ANMC Code of ethics and code of conduct, standards of practice and professional boundaries. Nurses must utilise the Australian charter of healthcare rights (ACHR) as guiding principles to all patients when providing care at any setting. This paper seeks to identify the ethical, moral and legal behaviour of Bill (RN), Liz (Nurse Unit Manager), John(patient) and his wife in the case study given. Bill In this case study one can clearly see that many nursing standards have been violated. According to Registered nurse standards for practice 1.4, nurses must comply with the policies relevant to practice and that includes the workplace policies. Bill did not comply with the hospital policy which states that â€Å"no laptop computers are to be taken home for any reason.† As per Australian Nursing and Midwifery Counci l (ANMC) code of ethics for Nurses (2008), standard 8 â€Å"Nurses should promote and preserve the trust between themselves and people they are caring for† in this case. Bill created a situation where John lost trust on him as his actions were unethical. In this scenario, Bill grabbed John by his wrist, causing pain and discomfort and threatened him not to say anything to anyone. His actions were in contradiction with the nurse’s guide to professional boundaries, principle 11 which states that â€Å"nurses do not withhold care from a person as punishment and recognise that any intent to cause pain or suffering as a retaliatory action in response to behaviour of a person in their care is improper and unprofessional†. He violated this principle of safe practise. Furthermore, Bill did not adhere to the principle 15 of professional boundaries that nurses should not cause discomfort or pain to patients receiving care when touching or holding them. Bill did not sh ow any kindness or empathy, as per ANMC code of ethics standard 2 Nurses should be kind and respectful to others. John John’s wife asked if there were any issues or concerns about her husband care and Bill denied. He was not honest enough to John’s wife about what had just occurred. He did not abide to Nurses code of profession conduct statement 6, which requires nurses to provide honest and accurate information in relation to clients care and services. â€Å"Criminal laws are concerned with offences against people and property.† In this scenario, Bill took John’s electrical recharging code without his permission which is considered as theft under the criminal law. Furthermore, in his action he caused harm and threatened John which is battery and assault respectively. Additionally, Bill took money from the charity funds for personal use which is fraud. A Nurse’s conduct is underpinned by moral principles and these include non-maleficence (n o harm), beneficence(benefit), veracity (truthfulness), autonomy (right to choose) and justice(fairness). (Atkins et al. pages 81-82) Bill was maleficent as he caused pain to Johns wrist and he did not uphold the principle of veracity which requires nurses to tell the truth always. (Oosthuizen and Pera page 52) He did this by lying to John’s wife about John’s wellbeing and NUM Liz about the whereabouts of the laptop. By not upholding veracity he made Liz to make uninformed decision to appraise him despite what he had done. Bill acted in utilitarianism school of thought. In this theory actions of an individual are justified by whether they increase pleasure or reduce risk of pain regardless of the cost or means. Utilitarians believe in acting in a way that results in greatest happiness of the greatest number. He was only concerned about the outcome at the end and ignored the fact that he might have a few unhappy people at the end. He was determined to make the charity function possible, without his input it would not occur and disadvantaged children from overseas would have either starved to death or suffered from starvation within the next 12 months. The criticism on utilitarian actions is that one cannot predict the outcomes of their actions. When Bill took money for buying the Lotto ticket he might have had hope that he will win, fortunately he did but he could have lost it. At times, it is also difficult to prioritise hence despite having many happy children John would not be happy with his conduct. Per Registered Nurse standard of practice 1.5 Nurses should apply critical thinking skills and use ethical decision or theories in their practice. (Holt and Convey 51-56) The ethical decision framework suggests that one should first identify the problem References Atkins, Kim et al. Ethics And Law For Australian Nurses . Port Melbourne, Vic.: Cambridge University Press, 2017. Print. Holt, Janet and Helen Convey. â€Å"Ethical Practice I n Nursing Care†. Nursing Standard 27.13 (2012): 51-56. Web. Oosthuizen, Anne-Mart and Silvia A Pera. Ethics In Healthcare . Lansdowne, South Africa: Juta, 2011. Print.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Organisations in global environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organisations in global environment - Essay Example External environment is made up of the outside institutions and forces that have a real or potential interest or effect on the ability of the organization to attain its objectives. These institutions include political, competitive, technological and legal (Kalmi & Klinedinst, 2006). The environmental factors have been divided by researchers as specific and general environment. The difference between the two is the level of directness of effects. The specific environment comprises of suppliers, customers, competitors, distributors, government and union. The general environment is composed of some forces like technological, economic, political, environmental, cultural and international. All the above mentioned forces can lead to uncertainty in an organization. They affect the complexities, richness and dynamism of an organization’s environment. The complexity of an environment is the complicated relationship between the forces that the organization can manage. The dynamism of an environment is the changing speed of forces that affect an organization. The environmental riches are the amount of resources that are in support of an organization. The three forces exist together, are mutual and their linking level build uncertainty for the organizations. The transformation into the 21st century is seen as a big change. The world is with no clear borders, where everything is almost prepared in anyplace. With the interference of the national boundaries, it is approximated that the world trade will increase by as much as 1600 percent in 40 years and speed of innovation and the increased level of goods are beyond any imagination. For instance, Sony launching three new products every hour and Disney is making a new product after every 5 minutes. Today there is a period of information or instant exchanges. With media exploration,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Criminal Liability -Theft and Fraud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Criminal Liability -Theft and Fraud - Essay Example The British Criminal Code provides for a number of ways to become involved in the commission of an offence: by actually committing the offence, by aiding and abetting the principal, by engaging oneself with others in a criminal activity with a common intention (Aquinas, 1988) (Ali was participant in Junaid's activity), by counselling another to commit an offence and by being an accessory after the fact. In general, anyone who knowingly encourages or facilitates the commission of an offense or impedes its prevention is a party to the offense (Aquinas, 1988). While one commonly uses the expression "aiding and abetting", the two are different concepts and either of them is ample to engage criminal liability. Whether liability for one's action lies through either concept, it must be accomplished "for the purpose of" aiding or abetting, which simply means "intentionally" as opposed to by accident. There is no need to show that the accused desire the illegal end to occur. One who is indifferent to the fact that his action aids or abets the perpetrator of an offense is therefore guilty. The fact that the principal cannot be convicted is not a block to a successful prosecution of other parties. An attempt to commit an offense is also prohibited.   The acts do not have to be illegal or morally wrong. "Conspiracy is an inchoate or preliminary crime, dating from the time of Edward, but much refined in the Court of Star Chamber in the 17th century. Notwithstanding its antiquity, the law of conspiracy is still uncertain. It can, however, be said that the indictment for conspiracy is a formidable weapon in the armory of the prosecutor. According to the cases, it permits a vague definition of the offense; broader standards of admissibility of evidence apply; it may provide the solution to prosecutorial problems as to situs and jurisdiction: see Director of Public Prosecutions v. Doot, [1973] A.C. 807." These words capture the reality of the conspiracy offense (Aquinas, 1988). The essence of the crime is the agreement between two or more persons to commit an offense. When the agreement is reached, a conspiracy is complete and one cannot withdraw from it. It is irrelevant that the object of the conspiracy is not achieved. A person may become part of a conspiracy by aiding or abetting the conspirators. The Supreme Court of Canada also decided that a conspiracy may be prosecuted in Canada even if the actual crime is committed in another country, as long as there is some important link with Canada. Essentially, theft is committed when anything is fraudulently and without color of right taken or converted with a target to leave without thereof the owner or person who has a special property or concern in it of the thing or his property or concern in it. The intent may be to deprive the person of the property either temporarily or absolutely, although this is not the only proscribed intent.Â